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Getting Started
Manage Account
- > Request an FAS Research Computing Account
- About Usernames
- Access and Login
- Account and Access Reviews
- Account Approvals Pending
- Account confirmation emails
- Add or Change Lab Groups
- Adding additional lab groups or cluster access
- Class Accounts & Academic Cluster
- Cluster Account Signup
- Editing your .bashrc
- FASRC Lab Groups and Account Sponsorship
- FASRC Roles and Responsibilities
- Locked Account
- Login Issues
- Manage dual/multiple lab affiliations on the FASRC cluster
- Reset Password
- Sharing Accounts
- Synchronizing clocks
- Understanding file and group permissions
- Unix permissions
- Using Duo Mobile to display your RC two-factor code
Cluster Usage
- > Running Jobs
- Cluster Customs and Responsibilities
- Code Optimization
- Command line access with Terminal (login nodes)
- Common Cluster Pitfalls
- Connecting with WinSCP
- Convenient Slurm Commands
- Fairshare and Job Accounting
- FASRC Guidelines for OpenAI Key and Harvard Agreement
- GNU Screen
- GPU Computing on the FASRC cluster
- Hybrid (MPI+OpenMP) Codes on the FASRC cluster
- Job Efficiency and Optimization Best Practices
- Job efficiency using seff command
- Jupyter notebook server on the cluster without Open OnDemand (VDI)
- Parallel Computing on the Cluster
- scrontab
- Sequencing
- Slurm memory limits
- Slurm Stats
- SSH key error, DNS spoofing message
- Submitting Large Numbers of Jobs to the FASRC cluster
- Using SSH ControlMaster for Single Sign-On
- VSCode Remote Development via SSH and Tunnel
- Abaqus
- All modules - Module Search
- Citrix
- Comsol
- Containers
- Desktop Software via HMS RC
- FAS Licensed Software for Local Use
- FASRC Github User Codes Repository
- Gaussian
- Git - Apple license requirement message
- Git and Github on the FASRC cluster
- Installing Software
- Instrument Sign-up
- iPython Notebook
- License Server
- Lmod modules -- introduction and instructions
- Lumerical
- Macaulay2
- Mathematica
- MATLAB Figures in a Batch Mode
- MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox simultaneous job problem
- Open OnDemand (OOD/VDI) Remote Desktop: How to open software
- OpenFoam
- OpenMP Software on the FASRC cluster
- Parallel MATLAB with PCT and DCS
- Podman
- Python Package Installation
- R and RStudio on the FASRC clusters
- R and RStudio on Windows
- Rocky 8 Transition Guide
- RStudio Server vs. RStudio Desktop OOD apps
- Running Singularity image with CentOS 7 on Rocky 8
- SBGrid Software for Structural Biologists
- Schrodinger Suite
- Scientific Instrument Reservations and Billing (SPINAL)
- Singularity
- Software - Overview
- Spack software package management
- SPINAL Expense Code Guide for Laboratory Financial Administrators
- SPINAL Usage Guide for Laboratory Administrators
- SPINAL Usage Guide for Researchers
- Stata on the FASRC clusters
- TensorFlow
- Trinity
- Using KNITRO with MATLAB
- Using Spyder
- Virtual Desktop Apps
- Virtual Desktop through Open OnDemand (OOD)
- X11 forwarding for lightweight graphical applications
- Administrative Data Storage Options
- FASRC Cluster Storage Policy
- Hardware, Software, and Storage Purchasing
- Home and Lab directories
- Home directory full
- How to read your Storage Service Center bill
- Managing file access with ACLs
- Mounting Storage on Desktop or Laptop
- New England Research Cloud (NERC)
- rdiff-backup
- Scratch
- Storage Service Center
Research Data Management
Data Transfer
- Copying Data to the FASRC cluster using SCP or SFTP
- Data Transfers with rclone
- Globus File Transfer
- Globus: Transfer Data to Tape
- rsync
- SFTP file transfer using Filezilla - Filtering
- SFTP file transfer using Filezilla (Mac/Windows/Linux)
- Transferring Data Externally
- Transferring Data on the Cluster
- Transferring files to DATA.RC
Data Security
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Open On Demand (OOD)
- Account Qualifications and Affiliations
- Additional Affiliate Resources
- Affiliate Institutions
- Black Hole Initiative (BHI) Partitions
- Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) FAQs
- Geophysics Partitions
- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health + FAS Research Computing Q&A
- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health - FAS Research Computing Overview
- Harvard University Center for the Environment (HUCE) Partitions
- Kempner Institute Partitions
- SEAS Compute Resources
Parallel Computing
- Articles coming soon
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