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How to read your Storage Service Center bill
PLEASE NOTE: Billing is NOT based on usage, but the total allocation. A breakdown by user is provided for those who need to charge back to grants, but the total amount is the same whether the storage is empty or full.
If you have received a monthly storage bill from the FASRC Storage Service Center, this document will help you to understand its contents. Please bear in mind that the bill may show a lot more information than you expected, however other labs may need these details to help them correctly route charges to the correct projects or billing codes.
Storage allocations are billed monthly and are based on the total size of the allocation(s). A lab with a single 16TB allocation on Tier 0, for example, has a total allocation cost of $800 per year [at the time of this writing]. That lab will pay 1/12 of that total amount each month, so approximately $66.66 each month*.
Additionally, the billing system provides a breakdown of usage by users. This includes any user with data in your storage and may include disabled users (see note below). Please note that while this breakdown shows a dollar amount per user and a 33-digit string attached, those values are solely for your information. These values are useful for labs who need to charge back or split costs for projects/grants and/or determine who is using what percentage of their allocation.
Please Note: FASRC does not police lab storage and, as such, we do not remove data from your storage unless asked to by a PI or lab manager. Each lab is responsible for the management and cleanup of their stored data. If you have difficulty removing items from your storage, please contract FASRC for assistance.
* – We recognize that there will be rounding issues and FASRC will endeavor to round down so that the cost of allocations do not exceed the quoted yearly cost.
The example below shows an allocation of 16TB of Tier 0 storage at $50 per TB per year
Total cost per year = $800
$4.16 per TB/month unit cost
Total billed per month= ~ $66.56
PLEASE NOTE: Billing is NOT based on usage, but the total allocation. A breakdown by user is provided for those who need to charge back to grants, but the total amount is the same whether the storage is empty or full.
RC Storage billing is ready for John Harvard Lab from Research Computing Storage for 7/2022.
This is your monthly bill for FASRC storage service center allocation(s). This bill represents 1/12 of your yearly allocation cost as it currently stands.
This link to the fiine system billing records listing can be used to approve records or make adjustments. If you don’t approve or respond within 3 business days, the records will be considered approved The above link can be used to approve records or make adjustments. If you do not approve or respond within 3 business days, the records will be considered approved. Please respond to RC Storage Billing if you have issues questions. For a detailed description and how to read your FASRC storage bill, please see: Total Monthly Charge $66.56 Total charge is distributed across users that own files proportional to their usage as shown below. User Storage Product Account Description Charge 1. John Harvard lustre/tier0 370-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX $49.92 for 75% of 16TB of holylfs05/tier0 at $4.16 per TB 2. Jill Harvard lustre/tier0 370-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX $16.64 for 25% of 16TB of holylfs05/tier0 at $4.16 per TB