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Onboarding Policies and Procedures
This document outlines FAS Research Computing’s policies and procedures related to the onboarding of researchers and PIs. The document is structured as a checklist, to be utilized by researchers and PIs as they enter the university or join a new lab. The document also notates differences between the onboarding of researchers and faculty (PIs).
Onboarding Checklist: Faculty
- Familiarize yourself with FAS Research Computing Services
- Review Harvard policies and procedures
- Research Data Ownership Policy
- Harvard Research Data Security Policy (HRDSP)
- Harvard University General Records Schedule
- Harvard Data Security Levels
- Retention and Maintenance of Research Records and Data Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”)
- Harvard Data Safety Website
- PI Responsibilities on the Cluster
- Identify a data manager for the lab
- FASRC Data Ownership and Access Policy
- Get a FASRC account using the account request tool
- Set your FASRC password
- Set up OpenAuth for two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Set up FASRC VPN
- Link FASRC account to HarvardKey
- If you have a HarvardKey, but are denied access to approve new accounts, visit and complete the FAS Onboard tool for approvers.
- Faculty can sponsor FASRC accounts for any researcher working in their lab, including external collaborators. If a collaborator does not have a Harvardkey account, they may apply for an external FASRC account. External accounts need to be reenabled every 90 days. PIs will need to request an extension every 90 days to prevent the account from being suspended.
- Learn how to utilize the High Performance Compute cluster
- Review FASRC storage offerings
- Request a new storage allocation in Coldfront
- Coldfront is a resource allocation management system FASRC adapted to manage allocations on the FASRC cluster. The platform enables the viewing and management of lab groups (Projects), and storage and cluster allocations (Allocations).
- FAS Secure Environment
- Request a new storage allocation in Coldfront
- Connect to your new storage folder from a desktop computer
- Transfer data to your new storage folder
- Create a well-defined storage workflow
- Develop streamlined directory structures
- Establish consistent file naming conventions
- View information about storage folders associated with your group/lab
- Utilize the Starfish Zones tool to view key information about your group’s storage folders. The Starfish Zone User Interface is a self-service visual tool that enables users to view group storage amounts and locations. Users can navigate folder structures to access detailed information about files and storage. Labs and groups are strongly recommended to utilize this tool to assist with their data organization and cleanup efforts.
- Installing and using software on FASRC cluster
- Attend FASRC introductory trainings
- Contact
- Email if you have any questions
- Virtual Office Hours: Wednesdays 12-3PM
Onboarding Checklist: Researchers
- Familiarize yourself with FAS Research Computing Services
- Review Harvard policies and procedures
- Get a FASRC account using the account request tool
- Set your FASRC password
- Set up OpenAuth for two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Set up FASRC VPN
- Learn how to utilize the High Performance Compute cluster
- Review FASRC storage offerings
- Connect to your new storage folder from a desktop computer
- Transfer data to your new storage folder
- View information about storage folders associated with your group/lab
- Utilize the Starfish Zones tool to view key information about your groups storage folders. The Starfish Zone User Interface is a self-service visual tool that enables users to view group storage amounts and locations. Users can navigate folder structures to access detailed information about files and storage. Labs and groups are strongly recommended to utilize this tool to assist with their data organization and cleanup efforts.
- Attend FASRC introductory trainings
- Contact
- Email if you have any questions
- Virtual Office Hours: Wednesdays 12-3PM
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