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Researcher Offboarding

When you leave Harvard’s employ, graduate, or your external collaboration or appointment otherwise ends, your Harvard accounts, including your FASRC account will expire and be disabled soon after. How and when that happens will vary by your job/enrollment type and/or any agreements/appointments made with the university by your department.

Not really leaving Harvard: If an FASRC account holder leaves an active sponsor’s Lab, and their Harvard account and e-mail address are not closed then the FASRC account will remain open and affiliated with the sponsor. It is therefore very important for the sponsoring PI to make us aware of any account no longer affiliated with their Lab.

Idle Accounts: We periodically disable accounts which have not been used in the past 9 to 12 months regardless enrollment or appointment status. Approval to re-enable the account must come directly from the PI/sponsor. We must have a direct request from the sponsor, we cannot accept forwarded emails as proof of sponsorship. It’s best to send the e-mail from the Harvard account we have for the PI.

Individual home directories: If your account has cluster access, it will also have a home directory. Be aware that this home directory may be removed after the account is disabled. In general, we will try not to do so until at least 1 year after the account is disabled, unless we need to clear space for active accounts. When leaving, you should move any files that your lab may still need from your home directory to your lab’s share/storage.

  • Faculty

    Please contact us as soon as you’re able to let us know so that we can help transition any students to new labs and discuss the disposition of any data or equipment under our management. Core and storage are returned to our pool of resources. If you will have a continued affiliation appointment, please let us know this as soon as possible to ensure your account is not closed prematurely.

  • Researchers and Staff

    Your FASRC account will close when your appointment ends and your Harvard email account is closed. A sponsoring PI can request that an account be converted to an External account and extended by creating a help ticket. We will need an external e-mail address for the account because when our e-mail messages bounce the account will be disabled automatically. Approval to continue sponsorship must come directly from the PI/sponsor. We cannot accept forwarded emails as proof of sponsorship and must have a direct OK from the sponsor, and it’s best to send the e-mail from the Harvard account we have for the PI.

    Please note that the FASRC cluster is intended only for Harvard-based research and/or research on projects connected directly to a Harvard PI. External users may not use the cluster for their own research or research not connected to their Harvard collaborator.

    External accounts will be granted a 90 day extension, if the PI requires that the account be active for longer than 90 days then a week or so before the 90 days is up they should create a help ticket requesting an extension. We can do this as many times as necessary.

  • Grad Students and Undergrads

    Your FASRC account will close when your enrollment ends and your Harvard email account is closed. A sponsoring PI can request that an account be converted to an External account and extended by creating a help ticket. We will need an external e-mail address for the account because when our e-mail messages bounce the account will be disabled automatically. Approval to continue sponsorship must come directly from the PI/sponsor. We cannot accept forwarded emails as proof of sponsorship and must have a direct OK from the sponsor, and it’s best to send the e-mail from the Harvard account we have for the PI.

    Please note that the FASRC cluster is intended only for Harvard-based research and/or research on projects connected directly to a Harvard PI. External users may not use the cluster for their own research or research not connected to their Harvard collaborator.

    External accounts will be granted a 90 day extension, if the PI requires that the account be active for longer than 90 days then a week or so before the 90 days is up they should create a help ticket requesting an extension. We can do this as many times as necessary.

  • External Users/Collaborators

    Your FASRC account will expire based on the expiration date on file or at your PI/sponsor’s request. If you need continued access after expiration, please have your PI create a help ticket to let us know they will continue to sponsor you as an external user and to set an expiration date.

    * PoI Appointment

    Until such time as the PoI process for collaborators is better defined and simpler to obtain without having to acquirer a different type of appointment, the requirement for Person of Interest appointments for FASRC external users is on hold. Only approval/sponsorship by a PI is required at this time.

For questions about continuing your Harvard email and/or Key, please contact HUIT.

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