Tag: Data Management

Data Storage Workflow

Data Storage Workflow


The FASRC Compute Cluster is a complex place. There are many different compute partitions and storage options to choose from, and this is even before you add your own complexity of your code, data, and other computational work. Some of this complexity is necessary, but some is not. We hope that the following guide will help you organize your data on a cluster in a way that is easy to manage and locate. This best practices guide will not necessarily work for every workflow, but rather is intended as a simple starting point.

Storage Types

First, it will be helpful to classify the different types of storage you will be using on the cluster. Knowing about the different types of storage and their architecture will help you better adjudicate where to put different types of data. Understanding the basic cluster workflow is also helpful. Later we will provide specific suggestions for the different classes of storage.

Broadly speaking the cluster can be organized in to four classes of storage:

  1. Home Directories: Home directories are those folders that you start in when you log in. They contain all the necessary system files needed to customize your specific environment. These home directories are small and resilient (e.g. have snapshots and backups).
  2. Lab Directories/Tiered Storage (Tier 0-2): Lab directories and Tiered Storage are storage space for a specific lab. This storage varies in type and style but is built for long term storage for a lab. For the sake of the below discussion we will refer to this generally as Lab Storage.
  3. Scratch Directories: Scratch directories are those folders which are intended for temporary data storage on the cluster. There are two types of scratch, “global scratch” which is available on every node on the cluster and “local scratch” which is tied to the specific node. Global scratch is subject to our scratch policy, while local scratch is only extant for the duration of your job. This space is not backed up or snapshotted. The global scratch has a very large amount of space and is built for performance, while local scratch is more limited but has the best performance on the cluster.
  4. Tier 3 Storage: Tier 3 storage is storage that the Lab has purchased which is intended for data that needs to be kept around but is not actively needed now.

When you use the cluster the commonly expected workflow is shown in the diagram below and described as follows:

Schematic Cluster Workflow

  1. Your initial scripts go into your home directory.
  2. Your data and software go into your lab storage.
  3. When you are ready to run on the cluster you move the data, scripts, and executables you need to scratch.
  4. You compute against scratch.
  5. You transfer the data you want to save back to lab storage.
  6. You move any inactive data to Tier 3 storage.

Naturally workflows can get more complex but this schematic generally illustrates where different classes of data should go. Namely:

  • Scripts: Home directory
  • Software: Lab storage
  • Data: Lab storage
  • Data necessary for computation: Scratch
  • Inactive Data:  Tier 3

In the next section we will discuss how best to organize your data in these various general classes of storage.

Home Directory

Since home directories are small in size but highly resilient one should only put in them the data you absolutely cannot lose. This includes things like important scripts and custom software, as well as essential data necessary for your work. As a general rule all scripts and custom written code should be under version control using a software like git, and that repository should have an external copy at either github or code.harvard.edu.

One should be careful what they put in their home directory as if you fill up your home directory you will not be able to login and various other applications (like Open OnDemand) will not work. Also while the home directories are resilient they are not performant. Thus anything requiring speed should not be kept in the home directory, or at least what is in the home directory is a redundant copy of an active copy on other storage. Home directories are also locked down to a specific user so things that are intended to be shared with other users must go in other locations.

In terms of basic organization it is recommended that you make several basic folders for various classes of data. Some suggested directories are:

  • software: For software installs to your home directory
  • code: For source code repositories
  • papers: For papers you’ve written or are relevant to your work
  • scripts: For various utility scripts you have put together or find useful

Lab Storage

Most of your data will live in your lab storage by fact of its size and scope. To start we have provided a basic initial organization, this is both for security and also to enable Globus data transfers. The initial organization is as follows:

  • Users: These directories are locked down to the specific user and cannot be opened to other users.
  • Lab: These directories are visible to anyone in the lab.
  • Everyone: These directories are visible to anyone on the cluster.

In general you want to operate out of the Lab directory as it makes it easier to collaborate and utilize your data after you leave the group.  Users should only be used for things you do not want the rest of your lab to see. For cross lab collaboration the Everyone directory should be used.

Similar to the Home directories you should make basic folders for various classes of data. Some suggested directories are:

  • software: For software installs common to the lab.
  • scripts: For various utility scripts common to the lab.
  • <projectname>: For specific lab projects.
  • <username>: For specific user code or data.

General rules to follow:

  1. Avoid file or directory names with spaces or special characters (including but not limited to: (<{[!@#$%^&*?|\]}>)).
  2. Avoid camel casing (ExAmPle) or capslock in filenames and directory names. Simply use all lower case.
  3. Keep number of files in a single directory under 10,000. If you need to have more, you should shard your data into subdirectories.
  4. Keep redundant copies of important data or scripts on other filesystems. This is especially important for storage that has no snapshots.
  5. Do not duplicate data on the storage needlessly. For large datasets have a single copy commonly used by the lab set to read only.
  6. Compress, move, or remove old and unused data. Only active data should be on Lab storage.

Global Scratch

Global scratch (or networked scratch) is intended for users to compute against. Speed and capacity is of primary concern. As such users should not keep important data on global scratch but rather only keep that data you need to do your calculations and then move any data you want to save back to your Lab space.

Many of the same rules and organization should be followed as the Lab Storage. Some additional rules for global scratch:

  1. Avoid having all your jobs reading or writing to a single file. Instead consider making redundant copies of the file and sharding your jobs so that bunches of 10-100 jobs hit one of the copies (i.e. Jobs 1-100 hit copy 1, jobs 101-200 hit copy 2).
  2. (Lustre specific) Consider striping large files over multiple OST’s using Lustre striping. This only applies to new files in a directory you have set to stripe, existing files will remain as is. Thus you should set up a directory that is striped and then copy the data (not mv) into that directory. We recommend 1M for the stripe size and count should be 8 or more.
  3. If possible move files you will be constantly reading and writing to local /scratch. The performance will be better. If you do so be sure to move data you want to save from /scratch to global scratch or lab storage before the job exits as data in local scratch only lasts for the job.

Local Scratch

Local scratch is local disk on compute nodes set aside for users to compute against. This space can be found at /scratch. Local scratch has the highest performance but is limited to the node itself and for the duration of the job. As such users should not keep important data on local scratch but rather only keep that data you need to do your calculations and then move any data you want to save back to your Lab space. This should be done at the end of the job as data will be removed from /scratch after the job ends.

Many of the same rules and organization should be followed as the Lab Storage. Some additional rules for local scratch:

  1. If your job is constantly reading and writing then using local scratch will be your fastest storage path. We recommend copying the data you need to local scratch once at the start of the computation and then copying the data you want to save once at the end of the computation.
  2. While we do automatically clean up local scratch after each job, it is best if you clean up after yourself after your calculation is complete to ensure you got everything off the local scratch.
  3. To avoid naming collisions (as multiple of your jobs could run on the same node) name the initial folder you create in local scratch after the JobID of the job or some other unique name for the job.
  4. Consider using the --tmp option to tell the scheduler how much local scratch storage you need.  This is especially true if you need a significant amount of space. Local scratch sizes vary widely between nodes with some having as little as 70G and other have over 1TB of local scratch. Using the --tmp flag will ensure that you end up on a node with local scratch. You can find how much local storage a node has by looking at the TmpDisk category under the node description in slurm.

Tier 3

This storage should be used for inactive data. For best practices see the Tier 3 documentation.

Starfish Zones Data Visualization Tool

Starfish Zones Data Visualization Tool


Starfish Zones is a self-service visual interface that allows groups to view folder storage amounts and locations. Users can navigate through the folder structures in the dashboard to explore directory and file level details, including storage amounts, last accessed and modified times, file owners, and file counts. The tool is still under development and may experience short downtimes to accommodate modifications.


To access the dashboard, navigate to https://starfish.rc.fas.harvard.edu/. You will need to be on Harvard VPN, FASRC VPN, or a wired on-campus connection. See VPN Setup for how to connect to FASRC VPN.

After navigating to the website, input your FASRC account name and password. If you have issues with your FASRC password, please visit the FASRC website.

If you are unable to access the Starfish dashboard, please email FASRC Help. If you are a new faculty or group owner, it may take some time before your information is fully populated in FASRC systems. You will also need an active FASRC supported storage folder to receive a Starfish Zone.


Once logged in, you will be able to view storage folders associated with your group. Note: If you notice a storage folder is missing from your dashboard, please email FASRC’s Research Data Manager. While a majority of storage folders supported by FASRC are now viewable in Starfish, some filesystems still need to be added.


By double-clicking on the selected folder path, you can drill down into the folder down to the file level. Users can modify what information is displayed on the dashboard by right-clicking on the column headers. All available column selections will be shown.


The dashboard is updated on a consistent basis. You can view when the Zone was last updated on the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard, where a date and time will be listed. If no modifications have been made to the folder contents, the updated time will reflect the last time changes were made to the folder.


The dashboard allows users to export the information as a CSV file. At the top of the zone is a “Download CSV” option. Users can select which columns they would like included in the downloaded spreadsheet. Some of our suggested columns include:

  • Count (number of files)
  • Path (folder path)
  • Logical size (dataset size)
  • Newest accessed (tree)
  • Newest modified (tree)

Depending on the number of files and folders listed, the CSV file may be too large to download. We recommend selecting the specific subfolder that you would like to view as an export, to decrease the size of the downloaded file.


If you have any additional questions about how to login or utilize the Starfish Zones dashboard, please email Sarah Marchese, FASRC Research Data Manager.

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