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Introduction to the FASRC Cluster — Online


These online trainings cover various aspects of accessing and using the FASRC clusters, our 100K+ core computer clusters:

  • Access and Login
  • Placing files, filesystems, and storage
  • Selecting and/or installing software
  • Determining resource requirements (time, RAM, partition)
  • Writing SLURM submission scripts
  • Troubleshooting, pitfalls, and acceptable use
  • Methods for obtaining help

Although we will touch on the documentation listed below, the goal of these trainings is to provide a unified synthesis of this material to help you understand how you can use the compute resources effectively & efficiently.

Knowledge of basic Unix skills will be of great use as you learn how to use the cluster. While we do not offer beginning Unix classes, there are many resources available on the internet. We link to some of them here.

IT/Data Security

Please note that if you are working with confidential information or have a Data Usage Agreement (DUA), you must make an appointment with RC for a discussion on the execution of the DUA and for further training.

Watch the Videos

The following videos are to help you get started and develop an understanding of FASRC cluster.

Getting started on the FASRC cluster

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the structure of a compute cluster
  2. Log in to the cluster (Quick Start Guide)
  3. Demonstrate how to start an interactive session with the SLURM job scheduler

Getting started on the FASRC clusters – Intro

Getting started on the FASRC clusters with Open OnDemand slides

Getting started on the FASRC clusters with Open OnDemand

Learning Objectives:

  1. Using the FASRC Open OnDemand (aka OOD or VDI) to access the cluster(s)

Getting started on the FASRC clusters with Open OnDemand slides

Getting started on the FASRC clusters with CLI (Command Line Interface)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Using the command line to access the cluster(s) and run jobs

Getting started on the FASRC clusters with CLI (Command Line Interface) slides
[Slides and Video Coming Soon]


Introduction to FASRC Cluster Storage

Learning Objectives:
  1. To discuss the FASRC storage and different options to help store/access the research data.

Data Movement on FASRC Storage

Learning Objectives:

  1. To guide moving data to and from Harvard’s FASRC cluster resources.
  2. This video is to help users understand FASRC setup, network, and best practices to move the data internally or use tools like Globus to move the data to external storage.

Moving Data to and from FASRC – Part 1

Moving Data to and from FASRC – Part 2


If you are vision or hearing-impaired, please contact Submit a Help Ticket through our Portal or email and we will be happy to make alternative arrangements. We will provide transcripts for future videos.

HUIT IT security policy
VPR data security policy

© The President and Fellows of Harvard College
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