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FASRC Data Ownership and Access Policy

Data stored in FASRC lab directories (/n/holylabs/LABS/<labname>_lab) and other lab shares on FASRC storage are owned and managed by PIs or group owners. If written approval is provided to FASRC by the PI or group owner, FASRC can modify the data permissions to allow ownership and access as the PI or group owners require.

  • Additional approval by the original owner of the data will not be required. The PI or group owner of the storage folder is responsible for its use.
  • Self-service mechanisms are already in place permitting labs and groups to modify folder permissions. This policy expands upon available tools, affirming FASRC’s right to alter folder permissions, when requested.

Additional notes

  • Written approval will be required from the PI or group owner for FASRC to modify access without the original owner’s consent.
    • Explicit written permission needs to derive from the PI or group owner, or an individual approved by the PI to assume similar responsibilities (i.e. a General Manager or Storage Manager). Please see “FASRC Roles and Responsibilities” for more details.
  • Lab folders on FASRC storage will initially be created as group writable, which allows for easier collaboration, data migrations across platforms, and data cleanup.
    • A lab or group may choose to modify folder permissions, but the default setup will be group writable.
  • If a lab folder is not group writable, FASRC can modify permissions to make a folder group writable, as requested by the PI or group owner or an individual approved by the PI or group owner to assume similar responsibilities (i.e. a General Manager or Storage Manager).

Associated University Policies

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